Dual Credits are available to students throughout »ÆÉ«ÊÓƵ secondary schools. Grade 12 students have a unique opportunity to earn both college and non-compulsory secondary credits at the same time. Credits earned count towards a students’ Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), and towards a postsecondary certificate, diploma, degree, or a Certificate of Apprenticeship.
Some College delivered Dual Credits may also count towards a SHSM Major Requirements.
Senior students at »ÆÉ«ÊÓƵ have access to a large variety of courses each semester at the following colleges: George Brown, Humber, and Sheridan.
Dual Credit Courses are a great choice for students:
- In risk of not graduating with their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD); OR
- Wanting to explore career pathways; OR
- Requiring assistance with the transition to college; OR
- Out of school, under 21, close to earning their OSSD; OR
- Enrolled in a Specialist High Skills Major Program; OR
- Enrolled in the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program.
Dual Credit Courses help students to:
- Discover the various college and apprenticeship pathways available
- Test drive a skilled trade
- Benefit from the supervision and support of their college instructor and the dual credit teacher at their school
- Complete their Ontario Secondary School Diploma
- Make a successful transition to college or an apprenticeship program
- Get a new perspective on life beyond high school and begin training for a well-paid and fulfilling job
- Experience College while still in High School - at no cost to the parent or student
Other benefits to students enrolled in a Dual Credit Course:
- No cost - no cost for a college course, no cost for textbooks, subsidized transportation, and work boot subsidy (should the course require them)
- Free access to all facilities at the college with their College ID - including athletics facilities, library, computer labs, etc.
- Access to peer mentoring, peer tutoring, and other clubs/ organizations on campus
- Support through Accessible Learning Services (Accommodations) to ensure students have the tools they need to succeed
Questions? Contact:
Robby Costa, Student Success Consultant
905-890-0708 ext. 24356 OR 647-203-1147
Step 1: Download the Dual Credit college application form for the program of interest and provide to student.
Step 2: Student/Parent fill in the application form and return it signed and completed.
Step 3: Teacher scans and saves the completed application form as a PDF.
Step 4: Teacher completes this
Google form​, attaches and submits student's PDF application.
Note: To sign into Google, teacher uses employeenumber@educ.dpcdsb.org
Dual Credit Offerings
Dual Credit At-A-Glance (Live Link)
Dual Credit Application Packages
Click HERE to access college specific application packages
College Course Descriptors
George Brown College - Course Descriptors
Humber College - Course Descriptors
Seneca Polytechnic - Course Descriptors
Sheridan College - Course Descriptors
Additional Links
NEW School College Work Initiative Website
Dual Credit (2020) Policy